3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft | 1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
Loan: 93% funded | 15 investors: 3.5k - 90k | 5 days remaining
Localtion score: 6/10 | Property score: 8/10 | Loan default likelihood: 21.3% | Borrower strength: 89% | Lender strength: 72%
Monthly rental income: $4.2k (est) | Borrower profit: 1.2k/month (est) | Lender payout: 0.52%/month
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
Should I invest?🪄 talk to our oracle
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials
3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft
1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
Should I buy/borrow?🪄 talk to our oracle
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials
3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft
1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials
3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft
1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
55% funded | 17 investors | risk score: 3.7 | monthly yield: 3%
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials
3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft
1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
55% funded | 17 investors | risk score: 3.7 | monthly yield: 3%
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials
3 bds | 2 ba | 1,800 sqft
1234 Main St, Anytown, USA
Property is within 40 miles of an airport and near tourist destination. Rents out 16 days in a month on average
35 comments | 2 appraisal reports available | 7 renter testimonials